In the Stillness of the Moonlight

In the Stillness of the Moonlight Oil on Canvas 30x40 CTrunnell 2600 framed.jpg
In the Stillness of the Moonlight Oil on Canvas 30x40 CTrunnell 2600 framed.jpg

In the Stillness of the Moonlight


30x40 | Oil on Canvas | Framed - ready to hang

I Corinth 2:10-14
Psalm 46:10
Ephesians 1:17

“The things we most need to know, solve & figure out will be healed at the listening level- that place within us where God’s spirit witness with our spirit (Rom 8:16). Here God speaks to us of things that cannot be understood through human wisdom or shuffled around & filed away in the mind.” 

R.H. Barton Solitude & Silence p. 72-73

V. 13 “This is what we speak not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.”

I Corinth 2:10-14

Spiritual Words: Pnematikes (Greek)

  • relating to the human spirit…as part of man which is akin to God and serves as his instrument 

  • One who is filled with or governed by the Spirit of God


The listening begins in the resting when our pace has slowed- our mind begins to settle + we can begin to listen- we are told to BE STILL + KNOW Psalm 46:10

It is in the stillness that we find the knowing- the understanding the spirit of wisdom + revelation

“I keep asking that the God of our lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation.” Ephesians 1:17

BE STILL + KNOW: raphah yada (hebrew)
raphah: to relax; withdraw 

To let go
To be quiet
Yada: to know, learn to know
perceive , see, find out & discern, to consider to have knowledge, be wise

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