The Dimming of the Day

The Dimming of the Day Oil on Canvas 24x24 CTrunnell 1250 framed.jpg
The Dimming of the Day Framed.JPG
Dimming Framed Corner.JPG
The Dimming of the Day Oil on Canvas 24x24 CTrunnell 1250 framed.jpg
The Dimming of the Day Framed.JPG
Dimming Framed Corner.JPG

The Dimming of the Day


24x24 | Oil on Canvas | Framed in silver and ready to hang

John 1:9 NLT

“The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.”

NOTE: this is framed in silver with the rest of the collection framed in champagne. We would be happy to switch to champagne if needed.

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